Yesterday Mae phoned me from Malaysia saying she needs me to help out in a new project. The client is a Chinese and is quiet poor in english. So Mae needs me to be a assistant for her and a translator between the client and Mae's husband, Mr. H, before she comes back from Malaysia in Febuary.
"Finally I got something meaningful to do now" I thought. But, then I realised it is not as easy and fun as I thought in the beginning.
Here is the thing. Mr. H is sort of a very disorganised person. And, although he's been worked in the UK for many years according to what he told me, his english is still a bit hard to understand (in a bad way). Last night, we were dicussing about how I'm going to tell the client about the design charges and whole process of this company. Mr. H just bla bla bla talked his experiences and some sort of radam things came out of his mind during our conversation. I am not a excellent english speaker and his way of speaking (with a very strong indian accent) somehow made me more confused. Meanwhile, I needed making notes and tried to structured everything he said. So I ended up with frustration and asked him to send me a brief of the designing process then it would be much more easier for me to get into the condition.
After a couple of hours, finally we sorted out the process thing and I also gave the client a ring to explain how much money we are going to charge her and when she needs to pay the money for each phase. However, when it cames to making the appointment, Mr. H started to lose his patient because of that the agency company asked for the client's approval and the client said she cannot speak to her agent in english! Mr. H asked me why she cannot speak english but would like to buy a property in the UK. I did not know how to respond. What I only know is it is a good chance for both of us and we should treasure this opportunity to make things possible including helping the client to make the approval to the agency company. Eventually, we did sort out the approval thing. I must say, Mr. H was very irresposible in this case. He did nothing but kept murmuring while I was trying to figure out the best way for this issue.